Modelling cellular system

on Tuesday, December 7
In my previous post, I uploaded a snap shot of GUI version of my simulator. Am interested in developing a professional multi-cell deployment simulator tool with the following features. The targeted end-user client would be an cellular operator, vendor, network deployment study team or non-profit organization for generating whitepapers.

Deployment trends in cellular communication will take a new paradigm shift. Unlike the sectorized deployment of narrowband systems like GSM, the broadband systems like LTE, WiMAX will do frequence reuse deployment. The primary service on these networks are packet data service. The goal would be to provide any-time UP kind of data-pipe, similar to a dedicated broadband DSL connection. Whether the packet data is short time (like Social Network, Messenger updates, or Push POP notifications) or long session connections like watching streaming video (iptv, youtube, widevine ) or uploading live video ( justin TV, ustream). And a reliable connection on-the-go (Dont want a banking transaction query or link to break).  This requires to have sufficient coverage to provide a minimal reliable throughput link. 

Multicell simulation GUI Interface

on Monday, October 11
Have been a long time wish, to make a completely configurable simulator for wireless system all phy layer tuning etc. I have been using itpp and g++ on linux for my simulator work see some description here (Personal blog). Later I added a frontend to manage the input configuration (screenshot  is here)

Now, recently I finished a tool/interface to display a multicell deployment scenario with macro, mobiles and pico/small cells. ( droping of base-stations and nodes, pathloss calculation was done by a friend). The screenshot is

The green dots are pico transmitters, Black are base-stations with directional antennas. Other nodes are receivers and the color shows the SIR of the node (Lowest : blue, Highest Orange). The front-end was developed using Qt library (Open source)

Book on Event based simulation

on Wednesday, October 6

Will read to model traffic and scheduling traffic in mobile system.

Found the solutions to problems here

in reference to: Discrete-Event System Simulation - Google Books (view on Google Sidewiki)

Small cell deployments in next generation wireless technology

on Wednesday, September 8
In my opinion, this is going to drive the new deployment strategy. LTE is purely a data aimed technology. Compared to earlier wireless technology 3G,GSM, cdma2000 which primarily was focused on providing voice.

Think of voice, which consumed the a good and reliable amount of wireless resource (time (GSM slots) or codes (cdma/wcdma long codes)) for short duration of time. While when one is talking about packet services. One does not want to "dial-up" a data session. Its an always on connectivity when you are connected to through a 4G-MOBILE terminal. The "dongle" based access is a different case.

Twitter / ssk: Tata Indicom Launches ‘Cal ...

on Tuesday, August 17
Twitter / ssk: Tata Indicom Launches ‘Cal ...

The basic idea of people moving / using twitter is being short to send /shout and quick-reading. In a regular basis.. not many are enthusiast to write long blogs each day. Twitter helps to quickly and crisply send your status or update/share some info. While this call2twitter might be comparatively better to post than type and tweet.. but reading tweets in a single glance is much much better than selecting a media link and play it.

Mobile Broadband in India

on Tuesday, August 10
"A comment that I had written on a discussion regarding mobile broadband in India on BWA spectrum"

Personally, I believe there is first need to drive the need for BROADBAND for common man. Probably the operator will have enough time to study the market after the 3G deployment. India has wide range of user-base. Dongles are not the business for common man. Who needs "data" and what goes on "data" will be drive the mode of deployment of BROADBAND.

IPhone Rivals Dispute Apple's Antenna Claims | John Paczkowski | Digital Daily | AllThingsD

on Tuesday, July 20
IPhone Rivals Dispute Apple's Antenna Claims | John Paczkowski | Digital Daily | AllThingsD

Old players of mobiles phones like nokia, samsung, blackberry have been enjoying their good share of market since iphone got released. Especially, touchphone only had meant "stylus" based touch. So there was no attempt in designing UI for mobile apps that were capable to handle "finger" touch. Apple demonstrated made it real with itouch.

Mukesh Amban's bet? Wireless boom redux -

on Monday, June 14
Mukesh Amban's bet? Wireless boom redux -

Few comments on the technical flaw in the article

The first statement itself is technically incorrect!! "Wimax-LTE (Long Term Evolution, the fourth-generation mobile technology invented by Qualcomm Inc of the US"

Author of the article should consult some wireless technology person..

a) Wimax-LTE are two different technologies..

b) Qualcomm did not invent LTE!!

LTE is colloborative standard developed by the 3GPP (considered to be leaded by EUROPEAN countries)

c)LTE is based on OFDM not (CDMA for what Qualcomm is better known for)

d) OFDM has been more than 40-50 years and 802.11 is based on OFDM techniques

Telecom India: So much rubbish on LTE/WiMAX in Media

on Saturday, June 12
Telecom India: So much rubbish on LTE/WiMAX in Media

Check out the recent blog of a friend on the "mis-leading" information of the media on the wireless spectrum auction and the technology itself.

3G Auction India update

on Thursday, May 20
The 3G auction in India started in the first week of April 2010. The auction ended on 19th May 2010-  about 183 rounds of bidding in various circles in India.

The city is listed based on the order of bidding price. 

[Winning Price in Crores]  [Operator]  [Frequency Band Uplink Frequency]

3,316.93 Vodafone 1959-1964
3,316.93 Bharti 1969-1974
3,316.93 Reliance 1974-1979

3,247.07 Reliance 1959-1964
3,247.07 Vodafone 1969-1974
3,247.07 Bharti 1974-1979

1,257.82 Tata 1959-1964
1,257.82 Idea 1969-1974
1,257.82 Vodafone 1974-1979

1,076.06 Tata 1959-1964
1,076.06 Vodafone 1969-1974
1,076.06 Idea 1974-1979

Andhra Pradesh
1,373.14 Bharti 1959-1964
1,373.14 Idea 1969-1974
1,373.14 Aircel 1974-1979

1,579.91 Tata 1959-1964
1,579.91 Aircel 1969-1974
1,579.91 Bharti 1974-1979

Tamil Nadu 
1,464.94 Bharti 1959-1964
1,464.94 Vodafone 1969-1974
1,464.94 Aircel 1974-1979

544.26 Vodafone 1959-1964
544.26 Aircel 1969-1974
544.26 Reliance 1974-1979

312.48 Idea 1959-1964
312.48 Tata 1969-1974
312.48 Aircel 1974-1979

322.01 Idea 1959-1964
322.01 Reliance 1964-1969
322.01 Tata 1969-1974
322.01 Aircel 1974-1979

222.58 Idea 1959-1964
222.58 Tata 1969-1974
222.58 Vodafone 1974-1979

Uttar Pradesh(E)
364.57 Aircel 1959-1964
364.57 Idea 1969-1974
364.57 Vodafone 1974-1979

Uttar Pradesh (W)
514.04 Bharti 1959-1964
514.04 Idea 1969-1974
514.04 Tata 1974-1979

321.03 Reliance 1959-1964
321.03 Bharti 1969-1974
321.03 Tata 1974-1979

Madhya Pradesh
258.36 Idea 1959-1964
258.36 Reliance 1969-1974
258.36 Tata 1974-1979

West Bengal 
123.63 Bharti 1959-1964
123.63 Reliance 1964-1969
123.63 Vodafone 1969-1974
123.63 Aircel 1974-1979

Himachal Pradesh
37.23 Bharti 1959-1964
37.23 STel 1964-1969
37.23 Idea 1969-1974
37.23 Reliance 1974-1979

203.46 STel 1959-1964
203.46 Bharti 1964-1969
203.46 Reliance 1969-1974
203.46 Aircel 1974-1979

96.98 STel 1959-1964
96.98 Aircel 1969-1974
96.98 Reliance 1974-1979

41.48 Reliance 1959-1964
41.48 Bharti 1969-1974
41.48 Aircel 1974-1979

North East 
42.30 Aircel 1959-1964
42.30 Bharti 1969-1974
42.30 Reliance 1974-1979

Jammu & Kashmir
30.30 Idea 1959-1964
30.30 Aircel 1964-1969
30.30 Reliance 1969-1974
30.30 Bharti 1974-1979

Source :

Wireless systems - Part I

on Thursday, March 18
Its is also posted here 

The principle of wireless system design is to transfer information from source to destination without a physical (wired) medium. This is the primary goal. How efficiently can one do this is the design challenge, therein brings in different technology to approach. So how do we define the efficiency metrics ? The resource or the medium to transfer the data or information is the limited spectrum for a limited time. Given a limited Spectrum-time plane, are we allowed to transmit or use this resource at any spatial location? This factor governs the amount of power you are allowed to transmit with. This leads to define a metric in terms of information/Hz/s/watt.

A little bit more on Metric

Design of a “scheme” – A chain of post-processing stages applied on the information before transmitting as electrical waveforms and later into electro-magnetic waveform, has been a historical area of research for all wireless communication experts. Many classical work has been published to maximize efficience of a particular stage. For e.g, optimal M-ary QAM mapping of constellation, capacity bounds on performance on error-control-codes, optimal design of RF filters to reduce emission of energy out of the alloted band, design of antennas such that maximal energy transfer between electrical signal and EM waves is accomplished. Not all the stages are independent of the preceding and following stages. For e.g, packing more information bits into a complex constellation might not have constant envelop which might be stringent requirement on the linearity of the power-amplifier.
The optimal scheme is also a function of the operating point of the spectrum for e.g., one might achieve a “x”/Hz/s/Watt for a spectrum centered at 800MHz, while the same metric is different for spectrum centered at 2GHz. Second, the acheivable metric is also a function of the spatial distribution of stationary and non-stationary elements (like building, moving vehicles, rain, greenary) in the wireless medium. For e.g. in a urban city one might achieve a better “information transfer metric” compared to an open-air/land rural area. Hence, the optimal design is actually not optimal for all time, place and spectrum. This leads to any adaptive optimal designs which can tune the different “stages” for optimization. Ofcourse this needs a “feedback” mechanism to tune them. For example, when the received signal energy decreases due to a path-loss or shadowing loss – the receiver can request to increase the transmit power, reduce the constellation size, increase more error-correcting bits to decode the information, wait for conditions to improve and transmit a burst of information, retransmit information through alternate “path” to increase the detection probability. So one has many approaches to address or acheive a target “metric”. Sometimes (many times) some solutions have practical limitations due to the tx/rx implementation or the technique itself. For e.g, the steps at which power control is applied, fractional modulation size (e.g 3-PSK, 10-qam) are not conventional bit packing schemes. 

To be continued.. 

Understanding wireless systems

I will be starting a series of post on understanding wireless systems from my perspective. I assume no-minimal technical requirement on the reader other than reading english :).

I would be glad to read comments, queries and suggestions or mistakes in my techinical flow.

Looking for some help!!

on Thursday, February 11
I am looking for some B.E/Master's student who is interested in some C++ programing for simulating wireless systems. I have a good library of my own. I am tied of lot of work related to standardization stuff.
This is my first attempt to see how many approach me through this blog.